All Hohenstein articles
Performance Days: Focus on certifications!
The show takes place on March 5-6 in Munich, with a focus on “Certifications – Which Ones Matter?”
News briefs
Hohenstein develops specific sports bra test method
Hohenstein, a German provider of textile testing and a founding member of Oeko-Tex, announced the development of a new test method that is said to scientifically measure the support level of sports bras, an advancement from “previously subjective claim,” the company said. The new method creates reproducible, independent results without ...
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New technology aims to reduce size-related returns in e-commerce
A Munich-based startup, Sizekick, has launched a new technology to help brands and retailers reduce size-related returns in e-commerce, along with strategic partner and investor Hohenstein. The newly developed sizing AI is now celebrating market entry, with the technology available for fashion e-commerce stores, with successfully acquired customers including the ...
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Hohenstein invests €1.3 million in AI-startup Sizekick
Hohenstein, a German provider of textile testing and a founding member of Oeko-Tex, has invested €1.3 million in Sizekick, a Munich-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) startup founded in the summer of 2022. Hohenstein’s investment is intended to enable the product launch in 2023. Sizekick’s software is designed to help online shoppers find ...
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Hohenstein finds a way to measure textile compression
The Hohenstein Institute and its partners have come up with a standard for measuring the compression exerted by textiles, notably in sportswear. The family-owned testing, certification and research company has proposed DIN SPEC 4868, a test method to be used in conjunction with HOSYcan, a compression tester. According to Florian ...