Market Statistics – Page 10

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    Covid-19 was still an issue in May, according to WFSGI’s monthly survey


    (Updated and expanded) Many factories have re-opened on a large scale, after a period in which half of the industry was confronted with the closure of the suppliers’ facilities, but the supply chain has not yet adjusted to the effects of the recent retail lockdowns in many parts of the ...

  • Ispo

    Ispo measures the pandemic’s effects on sports retail


    Ispo has released the results of a survey it launched on April 9 to determine the effects of the pandemic on European sports and outdoor retailers. Among other interesting points, the survey indicated that Covid-19 began to strike their businesses early, that many resorted to home deliveries and the internet ...

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    The 2018/19 ski season was this millennium’s best


    The numbers for the 2019/20 snow sports season are not in yet, but it was not good apparently, partly because it was cut short by the coronavirus epidemic. However, the 2018/19 season was the best in 20 years or more in terms of visits to the ski resorts, according to ...

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    Sporting goods suppliers face long-term coronavirus effects


    The current coronavirus pandemic is having a major impact on the suppliers of sporting goods, particularly in terms of orders, material shortages and cash. Reports from China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar and other major sources indicate that many of them are resorting to massive layoffs or facing labor shortages ...

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    McKinsey analyzes Covid-19 with WFSGI


    After conducting consumer research and interviews with more than 25 industry players in the apparel and sports markets, McKinsey & Co. has made a series of interesting recommendations for best-practice actions that sporting goods companies can take to navigate through the current Covid-19 pandemic. They were presented in a webinar ...

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    Fesi surveys the effect of Covid-19 on the industry


    The Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (Fesi) has surveyed its members to determine the extent of the Covid-19 pandemic’s effects on them and the sporting goods industry. In short, it has found that the pandemic has cut revenues considerably and that e-commerce, while more important than ever, has ...

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    Spaniards project a recovery in March 2021


    According to a recent survey of 1,187 Spanish industry professionals conducted by CMDsport, the general sense in the national sporting goods industry is that the market will return to its pre-crisis level sometime between September 2020 and March 2021. But uncertainty reigns. The projections listed in the questionnaire ran from ...

  • Union Sports

    Survey estimates €3.1bn loss in industry revenues in France


    According to a survey among its members by Union Sport & Cycle, the French sporting goods and cycling industry association, the Covid-19 pandemic has so far led to losses of €3.1 billion and to the layoff of 50,000 employees across the supply chain in the industry at large. More than ...

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    Global recession expected, hopefully short-lived


    While the consumption of non-essential items like sporting goods is declining in Europe, the U.S. and some other parts of the world hit by the coronavirus pandemic, store traffic is picking up in China after having fallen by as much as 80 percent at the peak of the outbreak, according ...

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    Many factors at the root of the Norwegian problem


    Recent consequences of climate change aside, Norways’ two major competitors in the sporting goods market, Gresvig and XXL (see the related articles in this issue), have been caught in a “perfect storm” of troublesome factors, according to two experts: Trond Hansen, CEO of the Norwegian sporting goods industry association, Sportsbransjen, ...

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    Swedish and Finnish retailers were better off


    According to preliminary figures, retail sales of sporting goods declined more or less by 0.7 percent in Sweden and by 0.3 percent in 2019, compared with a drop of 3.5 percent in Norway. 

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    Warm winter kills the demand for sporting goods in Russia


    Sales of goods for winter sports have shrunk by 22 percent in the European part of Russia during the current autumn/winter season, according to research conducted by a Russian online marketplace, Avito.

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    The ski market is apparently growing in the long term


    Manufacturers’ deliveries of skis, boots and bindings to the trade grew for the third year in a row during the winter 2018/19 season, according to an annual study recently released by the Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (Fesi). Some analysts expect the trend to continue to be positive ...

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    Ispo Group activates end consumers


    With the third Sports Week scheduled to take place from Saturday, Jan 25, to Saturday, Feb 1, 2020, the Ispo Group is again organizing a series of activities and events in Munich and the surrounding area in connection with this year’s Ispo Munich trade show. In keeping with the motto ...

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    The Russian market is apparently rising


    Russian consumers have been purchasing sporting goods more frequently in the last few months, basically opting for more expensive options than a year ago, according to certain findings from a market study that have been released by a government agency, Platform OFD. The agency estimated that it rose by 15 ...

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    The South Korean market is down by 5%


    Many foreign outdoor brands, led by those from Japanese, have reported worsening market conditions lately in South Korea, the seventh-biggest sporting goods market in the world. Dong Chil Kwon, head of Treksta and a former chairman of the local outdoor industry association, predicts that the Korean outdoor market will drop ...

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    Dorel Sports’ results impacted by slower than expected holiday consumer demand


    Dorel Industries reported that fourth quarter revenues in its Dorel Sports segment were down by 1.7 percent to US$232.7 million, but grew by around 2.6 percent after excluding the negative impact of varying foreign exchange rates and the divestments of the Sugoi and Sombrio brands in the second quarter of ...

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    Adidas and Foot Locker call on consumers to design shoes


    Adidas and Foot Locker are collaborating on a go-to-market plan that allows consumers to help create footwear with a local flavor. The plan takes inspiration from three themes: speed, cities and the open-source ideal of the computing world, where the raw code is public, free and open to changes by ...

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    Nike buys into consumer analytics, Edwards quits


    While reporting its quarter results last Friday (see the next story in this issue), Nike announced that it has taken over Zodiac, a consumer data analytics firm operating out of New York and Philadelphia. The acquisition is meant to add to Nike's resources in terms of consumer data and analytics, ...

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    Moncler’s new strategy targets fickle consumers


    Moncler has announced a new and speedier strategy, dubbed Moncler Genius, which will see the brand's collections follow the pace of younger and more fickle consumers. The brand will now collaborate with eight new guest designers on monthly collections, for men and women, of its jackets, knitwear and accessories. Instead ...