Following the success of the last event, with its higher attendance and impressive line-up of exhibitors, Performance Days is set to consolidate its position as the leading information platform for the textile and apparel industry. Building on this momentum, the upcoming edition promises to deliver even more value with a host of new features and initiatives.

Sustainability Lounge at Performance Days


Sustainability Lounge at PERFORMANCE DAYS

The winter edition of the sustainable sourcing fair for functional fabrics, footwear and accessories will be taking place on Oct. 23–24 in Halls A1 and A2 of the Messe München fairgrounds. In addition to showcasing the latest fabric and fiber highlights for the H/W 2026/27 season, exhibitors will present forward-looking innovations and sustainable solutions for the sports and fashion industry. Moreover, the fair is expanding its educational program with new areas and workshop offerings. This includes the new Bodywear Collective, which complements the existing focus on apparel, footwear and accessories. Admission to Performance Days remains free of charge.

All eyes on education

The theme at this year’s fair is education, with a comprehensive program and an extra workshop area designed to inform, inspire and encourage networking. Karla Magruder will be back with Accelerating Circularity in the Reality Zone, with more workshops on textile recycling. Ohana Public Affairs will be running sessions detailing the forthcoming EU Green Deal, particularly the Eco-Design for Sustainable Product Regulation, which has now been passed by EU Parliament and will be core to design room parameters.

With the new “NextGen Education Hub” platform, Performance Days is setting the focus on young professionals, designers and students, inviting them to learn about the programs and continuing education opportunities at such universities as Utah State and AMD; expand their networks; connect with potential job contacts; and exchange ideas. Among the Hub’s educational offerings are a series of Expert Talks, hands-on workshops and the popular Sustainability Lounge. The talks will include:

  • a keynote from Ohana on the EU Green Deal
  • a keynote panel on dyeing tilted “Colorization – Chemistry is Everywhere
  • a deep dive into sports-bra design
  • an update from The MicroFibre Consortium, on keeping feet dry in footwear design
  • insights from the head judge of the Trend Forum
  • a trend update
  • another look at dyeing, this time from the sustainability perspective
  • the latest from the textile research team at the University of Leeds 
  • the Pecha Kuchas for those stars of the Innovation Zone
  • another look at LCAs



All eyes on new ways of dyeing

Another major attraction at the heart of the show will be the Trend Forum, whose Focus Topic will reflect the most pressing issues and trends in the market. “Colorization: Chemistry is Everywhere” will celebrate beautiful fabrics and innovative dyeing techniques. In simple terms, the latter is about the rise of synthetic dyes over natural ones through their design for textile applications. Synthetic dyes have their drawbacks, though. For one thing, they slow down the decomposition of the fibers. Natural dyes, on the other hand, draw heavily on resources. Look out for bio-synthetic dyes (think bacteria) as a new solution, offering many of the positives without the negatives.

And don’t miss “Color Surgery,” with color expert Nora Kühner, who will be working with DyStar and engaging in a free exchange with visitors. So, what have you always wanted to ask about color but never dared?

All eyes on bodywear

In close cooperation with Nichole de Carle, designer and founder of London Contour Experts Group, the Bodywear Collective platform aims to expand the range of stretch baselayers beyond traditional activewear, incorporating lifestyle applications. It redefines the baselayer by merging on-skin intimate products with outerwear, enabling brands to offer a wide variety of products and meet customer needs for such fabrics.

“We envision the Bodywear Collective as a nexus of innovation and collaboration and have divided the area into five key categories: underwear, swimwear, wellness in motion, shapewear and performance sportswear,” says de Carle. The platform also promotes sustainable choices and introduces performance-based fabrics. Some of these combine paraffin and vitamin E to regulate body temperature or incorporate peppermint for its antimicrobial effects. Others use hemp or perform an anti-UV function. This approach allows for versatile, multifunctional garments that benefit the customer.

Footwear at Performance Days


The footwear area at Performance Days will be expanded

All eyes on exciting platforms

In response to growing interest, the Footwear Area has been expanded to include a Test Range where visitors can experience the latest products and technologies firsthand. The Technology Hub, too, has seen significant enhancements, offering a deeper dive into cutting-edge innovations and presenting some test machinery this time around. James Heal is bringing an array of ways to measure the quality of materials. Core to this will be the wet Martindale as well as the wicking machine, plus the permeability tester. The latter two will be operational for any visitors who want to bring fabrics along.

SAVE THE DATE: Oct. 23-24, 2024 // Messe München // Halls A1 & A2

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